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Brown Eye Makeup Tutorial for Beginners

This makeup tutorial is developed to teach people how to create a simple yet beautiful brown eyeshadow look. Eye makeup is always a challenge for beginners. It could be hard to choose the right combination of colors. It also takes time and practice to understand the application area of each color. This tutorial is a good place to start. The techniques such as color choice of eyeshadow, application orders of colors, and application areas showed in the tutorial could be used to develop many different styles of eye makeup. This tutorial teaches leaners how to do eye makeup in an elaborative way. The enlarged eye sketch and callout lines help learners to get a better idea of the application areas of eyeshadows. The dubbing also gives a detailed explanation of every step and technique. I found makeup a similar thing as painting, so I developed this innovative makeup tutorial. 


Photoshop, iMovie, Adobe Pr

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